GHLL XXXV (2024)

Adam Brooke Davis, Preface to Volume XXXV

Missouri ghost town


Jim Thomas, “St. Paul Evangelische Kirche,” “The View from Room 102,” “Lucky Tom,” “That Mary,”

Cecil Morris, “Self-Portrait as an Avalanche of Metaphors”

Cathy Porter, “Under the Surface”

Gerry Galuardi, “Steeplechase”

Jim Tilley “How Will I Go” “Following Footprints,” “Migrations” 

Beth Kress, “At Breakfast,” “Six Steps”

Terry Godbey, “I Decide to Stop Being a Victim”

Christy Frushour, “Hansel Lost,” “Remembrance of Things Neglected”

Jeremiah Gamble, “There Are No Crows in this Poem”

Richard Dinges, Jr. “Clouds”

Benjamin Nash, “Orange”

Max Gutmann, “Will the Children”

Donna Pucciani, “Aunt Rosemary”

Philip C. Kolin, “The Wisdom of Birds”

Judy Domeny Bowen, “Grieving Layman Essary”

Baruch November, “Slow Motion Rush”

Peycho Kanev, “Still Life”

Hannah Jane Weber, “Moving Forward”

James B. Nicola, “Forgiveness of a Kind”

Paula Reed Nancarrow, “In the Backyard”

Johanna Caton, O.S.B., “Burial Plot”



Gary Fincke, “Everything That’s Special”

E.G. Silverman, “Leaving or Left Behind”

Soosaiya Anthreas, “The Bundle

Timothy Reilly, “Visitation”

Anthony St. George, “+3+”

Thomas Feeny, translation of two tales by Emilia Pardo Bazán: “Adriana” and “The Cufflink”

Beth Holly, “Tomorrow’s Lunches”



Allison Cross Lacourt, “Warning Signs”

Chanel Brenner, “Ghost Mother”

Sylvie Althoff, “Rules of Fiction”

Karineh Arutyunova (Lena Mandel, translator) “Prayer Beads”

J. Malcolm Garcia, “Aniela”

Sarah B. Mohler, “A Happy Kind of Sorrow”: The New Fabulist and Speculative Fiction of Rin Kelly



Sarah White, Into the Laughing Gas World, by Rin Kelly

Jack Smith, Trim Reckonings, by DeWitt Henry

Adam Brooke Davis, My Perfect Wife, Her Perfect Son, by Joe Benevento