Welcome to GHLL

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There is a time and a season to every purpose…

GHLL is now accepting submissions for our farewell issue, Volume XXXVI, scheduled to appear July 1, 2025. Please see the “Preface” to our 35th anniversary issue for details.


Publication Information

GHLL (ISSN 1089-2060) is an annual July publication from Truman State University. Historically, the print publication — up until 2005 — ran between 200-300 pages, consisting of poetry, fiction, reviews, and interviews. It was printed on good quality paper with a glossy, 4-color cover. The digital magazine is of similar proportions and artistic standards. All views, conclusions, or opinions are those of the authors of the pieces and not necessarily those of the editorial staff or publishers. GHLL is indexed by the Index of American Periodical Verse (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press) and by The American Humanities Index.