Still Life

The sun is not ashamed to penetrate the tall window. 

There’s a fireplace with a dead fire. The grey color 

loves the ashes. Yesterday’s cat in rain is today’s 

warm smile under the table. Paint what you don’t see, 

which is me, looking at myself in the mirror, which is 

an un-ploughed field of promise, full of ravens. Afternoon 

filled with monochromatic light, seeping from the skies 

of tomorrow–that’s the unsolved color of music, which 

we have to keep hidden inside our pockets. Memory 

is red. If it bleeds, it bleeds. The clouds, hanging there, 

are to the blank canvas what poetry is to the mind. 




Peycho Kanev is the author of 12 poetry collections and three chapbooks, published in the USA and Europe. His poems have appeared in many literary magazines, such as: Rattle, Poetry Quarterly, Evergreen Review, Front Porch Review, Hawaii Review, Barrow Street, Sheepshead Review, Off the Coast, The Adirondack Review, Sierra Nevada Review, The Cleveland Review and many others. His new book of poetry titled A Fake Memoir was published in 2022 by Cyberwit press.