Forgiveness of a Kind

(originally published in Ovunque Siamo)

There is a kind of person who’ll forgive

most everything of everybody, over

and over. They seem unable not to

do so—loudly, as if they like

to make a stink of it.


I knew one who was so kind, she forgave

me sins I hadn’t heard of. What drove her,

I do not know. When I thought she was through,

she’d start right up again. I couldn’t take

it anymore and knew not what to do,

then, struck by kindness, said “I forgive you.”


“For what?”

“For everything,” I answered. She

did not ask what everything meant, nor bat

an eye, nor speak to me again. What gratitude

I felt to learn that honesty,

as she’d maintained, was divine policy.

Forgiveness is divine as well, now that

I think of it.





James B. Nicola is a returning contributor to Green Hills Literary Lantern. The latest three of his eight full-length poetry collections are Fires of Heaven: Poems of Faith and Sense, Turns & Twists, and Natural Tendencies (just out). His nonfiction book Playing the Audience won a Choice magazine award. He has received a Dana Literary Award, two Willow Review awards, Storyteller’s People’s Choice award, one Best of Net, one Rhysling, and eleven Pushcart nominations—for which he feels both stunned and grateful. A graduate of Yale, James hosts the Writers’ Round Table at his library branch in Manhattan: walk-ins are always welcome.

Just out!

Natural Tendencies from Červená Barva Press

see trailer at: