Waiting for After



I try to remember the good minutes

before all of us were thrown into categories


with names that sound like a sick-joke

boot camp — but now the days bleed out


every amend we never made – every marathon

phone call with that old best friend — or ex


you want to hook up with one more time.

I told you last night how bad it’s getting –


I now consider endless drives around

the lake a social outing; how I miss concerts


and life before. You listened, but didn’t offer

much,following way too close for comfort


and safety – two words we no longer attach

any meaning to, but cling to like ticks on


lost skin in the woods.



Cathy Porter’s poetry has appeared in Plainsongs,Homestead Review,California Quarterly,Hubbub, Cottonwood, Comstock Review,and various other journals.The Dash Between Us is her latest chapbook from Finishing Line Press: A Life In The Day and Dust And Angelsappeared in 2012 and 2014. She has two chapbooks published by Dancing Girl Press in Chicago: Exit Songs (2016), and 16 Days (2019), as well as The Skin Of Uncertainty(2020) from Maverick Duck Press. Cathyhas been nominated for several Pushcart Prizes. She lives in Omaha, NE.